1983 - les bolides - Cover (French)
1983 - les bolides - Page (French)
1983 - Golden - 10 Posters to Paint or Color #2107
The original artwork from The Western Publishing Company for the Hot Wheels Posters To Color book in 1983.Western Publishing commissioned artists to do the artwork for the book.
Original artwork for page
1983 - Golden - An Activity Book #1067-66 (Golden Regular)
1983 - Golden - An Activity Book #1151-5 (Golden)
1989 - Hot Wheels Collector's Book (Mattel)
2003 - Hot Wheels: 35 Years of Speed, Power, Performance, and Attitude (Hardcover Book)
2003 - Lee's Toy Review #126 (page 81)
2003 - Lee's Toy Review #126 (April 2003)
2003 - Lee's Toy Review #126 (page 82) - Leo information is incorrect
2009 - Hot Wheels Classic The Redline Era by Von Bogart
2009 - Hot Wheels Classic The Redline Era by Von Bogart (page 7)