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Hiway Hauler 1174 – 83mm – 1988

LEO's - These are cars that Mattel released under the name Leo/Mattel and were made in India. These cars could not be released in the US because the paint used didn't meet US safety standards. Most of the Leo Highway Haulers had Malaysia on the base or were left blank, tan interior , and blue tinted windows.

LEO - OP 1.jpg

*.  black,  white box, red& yellow OP, green figure with “Ocean Pacific Delivery” on sides

LEO - OP 2.jpg

*.  black,  white box, red& yellow OP, black figure with “Ocean Pacific Delivery” on sides

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*.  red,  white box, red& yellow OP, green figure

with “Ocean Pacific Delivery” on sides

LEO - OP 4.jpg

*.  light blue,  white box, red& yellow OP, blue figure with “Ocean Pacific Delivery” on sides

LEO - Race Team 1-1.jpg
LEO - Race Team 1-2.jpg

*. red, white box, white, red, & blue stripe design;

HW logo & “Racing Team” on sides

LEO - Race Team 2-.jpg

*. light blue, white box, white, red, & blue stripe design; HW logo & “Racing Team” on sides

LEO - Race Team 3.jpg

*. green, white box, white, red, & green stripe design; HW logo & “Racing Team” on sides

LEO - Good Year 1.jpg

*. blue, white box, red, black & blue design; “Goodyear Racing Tires” & race car on sides

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Barbie pre-production prototype. (No information on production numbers)

*. pink, same as c, white box w/pink & blue tampo: ”Barbie” & “Apparel” on sides

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Collectors' Club card

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Prototype card

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Postcard sent to customers from Adkins Collectible Toys Ltd.

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Recall Notice postcard sent to customers from Adkins Collectible Toys Ltd.

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Leo shipping box that Mattel Toys (India) Ltd used to ship to stores

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